Nô bo bagya ba tei
Tare roki ya
Haratchi bishi shu
Daya bo daya bagya
Ba tei tani ya ta

On bishu daya bishu daya
Sama sama san man
Da haba sha
soha ran da
Gyatchi gyaga
No sowa han ba 
Bishu tei
Abi shin sha to
Man sogya ta
hara hasha no
A miri ta bi
Se kei maka man
Dara ha dai a
Kara a kara ayu
San dara ni
Shuda ya shuda ya
Gyaga no bishu tei
Ushu nisha bisha ya
Bishu tei saka sara ara
Shin mei san soni tei
Sara ba tata gya ta
Baro gyani sata hara
Mita hari hora ni
Sara ba tata gya ta
Kiri ta ya jisho tan
No jishu tchi ta
Maka boda rei ba
Zara gya ya sugya ta
No bishu tei sara ba
Hara da haya tori
Gyatchi hari bishu tei
Hara tchini hara daya a
Yoku shu tei
San ma ya
jishu tchi tei
Mani mani maka mani
Tatan da boda kutchi
Hari shu tei
Biso bo da
Boji shu tei

Sha ya sha ya
Bisha ya bisha ya
San mora san mora
Sara ba bo da
Jishu tchi tei
Shu dei ba
Jiri ba zara gyara bei
Ba zara ban ba

To mâ mâ
Shari ran sara ba
Sato ban nan
Shagya ya hari bishu tei
Sara ba gyatchi hari shu tei
Sara ba tata gya
Ta shi (tsu) sha mei
San ma jin ba
Sa en to sara ba
Tata gya ta san
Ma jin ba sa
Jishu tchi tei
Bo jiya bo jiya
Bibo jiya bibo jiya
Bo daya bo daya
Bibo daya bibo daya
san man da
Hari shu tei
Sara ba tata gya ta

Kiri ta ya
Jishu tan no
Jishu tchi ta

Maka boda rei
So wa ka.

Translation of the Sanskrit Dharani (Wikipedia): 

Oṁ veneration to the glorious Buddha distinguished in all the Three Worlds. Namely, oṁ bhrūṃ bhrūṃ bhrūṃ, purge, purge, purify, purify, O Unequalled Enveloping Splendor Sparkle Destiny Sky, O the One of Purified Nature, O the One Purified by the Topknot Victory, let all Tathāgatas consecrate me with consecrations of the nectar of the excellent Sugata’s words along with great seals and mantrapadas, oṁ bring, bring, O the One who Nourishes Life, purge, purge, purify, purify, O the One Purified by Sky Nature, O the One Purified by the Topknot Victory, O the One Impelled by Thousand Rays, O the One Beholding all Tathāgatas, O the One Fulfilling the Six Perfections, O Mother of all Tathāgatas, O the One Established in the Ten Stages, O the One Empowered by the Empowerment of the Heart of all Tathāgatas, oṁ O Seal, O Seal, O Great Seal, O the One Purified by the Firmness of the Vajra Body, O the One Purged of all Obscurations Resulting from Actions, turn back for me O Life-purged One, O the One Empowered by the Empowerment of the Vow of all Tathāgatas, oṁ muni muni, mahāmuni, vimuni vimuni, mahāvimuni, mati mati, mahāmati, mamati, sumati, O the One Purified by Truth and the True Goal, O the One Purged by a Burst Open Mind, oṁ he he, triumph triumph, succeed succeed, recollect recollect, manifest manifest, expand expand, O the One Empowered by the Empowerment of all Buddhas, oṁ O Pure One, O Pure One, O Awakened One, O Awakened One, O Vajra, O Vajra, O Great Vajra, O Vajra-essence, O Victory-essence, O Triumph-essence, O Vajra-flame-essence, O Vajra-born, O Vajra-produced, O Vajra, O the One with a Vajra, let my body become a vajra and that of all beings, let there be body-purification for me and purification of all destinies, O the One Empowered by the Empowerment of the Heart of all Tathāgatas, let all Tathāgatas provide encouragement, oṁ awake awake, succeed succeed, awaken awaken, wake up, wake up, liberate liberate, release release, purge purge, purify purify, liberate completely, O the One Purified by an Enveloping Ray, O the One Empowered by the Empowerment of the Heart of all Tathāgatas, oṁ O Seal O Seal, O Great Seal, O Great Seal and Mantrapada svāhā

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